Where are you located?
The CYT Costume warehouse is located adjacent to our offices at 1545 Pioneer Way, El Cajon, CA 92020.
Can I come by to see the costumes?
All renters are required to make an appointment before they stop by. We are usually busy with our own productions or other rentals and would hate having to send you away. Your appointment can include pulling costumes, returning or just looking to see if we have exactly what you need. Just give us at least 24-48 hours in advance so we can process your appointment time.
How do I make an appointment?
Please feel free to e-mail us at
costumerentals@cytsandiego.org. We will need to know what you are looking for, when you need it and any sizing if available.
How long can I rent a costume?
Most theatrical costume rentals are available for up to 4 weeks before your production opening. As a theater company, we understand that costuming can be a process of fittings, dress rehearsals and production time. Individual/Single event rentals are up to a 10 day rental.
What is the cost?
Please refer to the
Price Guide. Prices are subject to change depending on quality and availability. For a theatrical production, cost per rental item is a flat rate, but does NOT include cleaning (cleaning of all items must be provided by the Renter. For Individual events, our minimum rate is $40 which includes cleaning.
Do I need to clean the costumes?
YES! All theatrical costumes must be dry cleaned or washed before they are returned. Please contact
costumes@cytsandiego.org for any clarification. It does not matter how little they were worn. Most Individual/single costume rentals will have cleaning included in their rental cost.
Can I alter it?
What happens if you really like the costume, but it doesn't quite fit? CYT does allow minor, sewn, alterations on costumes (by hand or machine). All large (more than 2 inch) alterations must be removed
before cleaning and returning unless otherwise approved by the Costume Manager.
Do you ship costumes?
We are unable to ship costumes at this time to anyone other than one of our national CYT Affiliates.